Saturday, May 27, 2006

Take the night off...

Hmmmm, my attention is kind of divided here. You see, I'm in the middle of watching UFC 60, I'm not too sure why I decided to blog, but here I am. Francis is seated to my left reading magazines given to me by a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses (funny story). Well, he actually just read what I was typing and put them away, I guess he thinks you can see him... Assuerio Silva is fighting Brandon Vera, Gene has a chocolate bar on Silva (lol).

Anyways, here's the story I referred to earlier: I was basically walking around, moving from point A to point B and I see a car pulled over, doors open, one person in the driver seat and one in the passenger seat. The couple walking ahead of me were approached by one of the men, they ignored him. I walked passed and heard, "you want some reading material." For whatever reason, an angry dude wearing a Misfits T-shirt appeared approachable. So, I inquired in an oh so sly fashion, "what kind of reading material?" Anyways, the dude tells me about God's promise of eternal life and scientific research into the trigger event that begins aging (whatev). So he slipped me two magazines and I walked away. It was only later that I read one of the headlines, "Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom." Damn, those are some sneaky bastards. They got me interested and then threw their newsletters at me. Genius, I'm afraid I might have to end them before they end me. Haha!

BTW, UWA was great. You should've came along.... We'll come up with something to make up for the lack of an episode.

Pissed at the results of UFC 60 so far,

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Turn those clapping hands into angry balled fists

I was about to start this blog off with an anecdote on masturbation and poop but thought it might not have been my best foot to step forward with y'know...hmm... on second thought maybe mentioning those two things out of context might have been even worse. I feel I owe Evan Tate an apology right now...

Episode 4 on the other hand was a total blast, amiright? I've been hearing great feedback too. Maybe its due to our hard-work and heart being more and more put into these episodes or maybe its because people heard the rumours about Francis finally suplexing a zombie (which he did and OMG the zombie bitch's head exploded). Honestly I'm going with the latter here... hard-work is not my forte but exploding zombies I'd say are. Speaking of which, Francis beat Resident Evil 4 just a few days ago so high fives all around people! E-high fives will be accepted too. But hark, for the mission isn't quite complete just yet, that hardcore mother fucker still has to unlock Krauser. I hope he comes with that styling beret :)

I think it's important to note that most of these blogs here are products of long hours spent alone for me. This is the kind of time when my mind really wanders and I tend to talk to myself as if I was talking to somebody else. All the while with really pretentious acoustic music playing in the background (José González anyone). It just seems like the next logical step to get it all down but that would probably explain why I tend to write (or type) like I think (aka rambling). But y'all don't care about stuff like that, you should all care about super rad webcomics! You can blame Niego and COMIC STRIP for my lack of updates recently. I'm really digging these ones here and I think you guys should too.

Oh I was also supposed to mention something about a Francis text adventure we were making before I rambled off but no time now. Guess you guys are just gonna have to tune in next show to find out... cliffhangers make for great exits!

Same bat place same bat time,

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Return of the fly with Vincent Price!

Ridiculous, this is incredibly frustrating. Hell, I even got to work early on uploading the show and all today, but unfortunately, Internet Archive does not joke when they say it could take up to 24hrs for the file to be ready. It has been ten hours...

Oh and how the time passed, after rekindling my love affair with the Heroes of Might and Magic franchise (check out the series, best turn based strategy games ever) and even playing a couple of games of Rune with Gene, I thought episode 4 was all ready. I was mistaken. A word on Rune, this game is the Viking experience. Regardless of the fact that it was released 6 years ago, it totally owns all. Surprisingly enough, the servers are still jam packed with true hearted Vikings. Enemies of metal, your death will be their reward.

The episode was a total success. I can confidently say best one to date. You may not hear it for another... 14 hours or something, but the wait is definitely worth it. I feel obligated to provide a disclaimer of sorts, there is some swearing, some people may find it offensive... there, listen at your own discretion. Anyways, we should probably devise a new system of making the episode available to the fans (can I call you guys fans?). Suggestions would be appreciated. I'll edit this post later as soon as the file becomes available... wait, scratch that, if the file becomes available.

Nordic hails from Valhalla,

Time to go listen to Static Age :)

Mwhahaha! Success! Episode Four of the Gene and Mike Show!
By the way, listen to the show and then check out this link. I'm telling you, people are taking ideas from our shtick! Haha!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wheelin' No Dealing Son of a Gun!

I advise all of you of there that if Howie Mandel (holy shit he was the voice of Gizmo) comes up to you on the street and offers you $71, 000 you tell him "NO DEAL" as loud as you can to the excitement of a random group of very greedy and stupid people. Then you can watch him walk away and you will realize you are not on that game show in question and you just passed up on $71,000.

That made no sense right there... but then again neither does Deal or No Deal but I still watch it.

Now onto a topic slightly less Jewy (lol). Francis gave up the opportunity to suplex a zombie yesterday and I am immensely disappointed in him. He opted to instead back off and continue his reign of wasting bullets shooting that zombie solely in the ACL and no other region of his body. I expect a full apology on the next show for even though ya'll weren't there to see it, in heart you all could have experienced the once in a lifetime chance of knowing a zombie had a signature professional wrestling move done on it. Man that would have been awesome to see too...sigh.

Until the next show,

P.S. (hehe the spell check said P.S. should be replaced with "POOH")
Anything with a Samuel L. Jackson joke gets my mother fucking vote!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

We're all born with a chance and I will have my chance.

Huzzah! Episode 3 of the Gene and Mike Show is good to go ladies and gentlemen. Thank Evan Tate for letting us use "Bernie's Doom" as an intro and outro, makes us seem professional, doesn't it? I won't give away too much about the episode, rest assured, it's a solid one.

With that, however, comes the end of the weekend, how unfortunate.... They give you a taste of freedom before pulling you back, those crazy sadists. The plan for tomorrow is to get the old band back together, kind of, it’s a long story. Perhaps I will elaborate another time. Till then, enjoy episode 3.


Friday, May 12, 2006

For only before my sight will the gate open...

Looks like our plans to record today were thwarted. By whom you may ask? Well, how bout rather than telling you children bested our efforts , we will come up with a bizarre story:

The year is 2034, a group of rogue genetically enhanced humans dodged the recent attacks of Islamic extremist zombies. After a valiant battle against the enemies of metal, we aligned ourselves with this rogue group of humans in an attempt to halt the Great Circuiting. Otherwise, humanity as we know it in the year 2034, would have never existed... (?)

So you better thank your lucky stars the show wasn't recorded today. Rest assured, the episode will be recorded early tomorrow for a late Saturday release, hopefully.

Please pray for Francis, he is struggling with Resident Evil 4. Those zombies just pwn his ass.

Viva la resistance,
Gene and Mike

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tonight we give it 35%

I'm currently eating this mangled "cake" out of a big tupperware tub and at first bite thought it sucked but I now realize it only sucks as a cake. The word cake to me has different characteristics that I enjoy that are far from this meal. As a strawberry tart thing however, it isn't actually that bad, but I digress...

We here at The Gene and Mike Show (basically thats just Mike and I feat. Francis) have been currently thinking about some different ideas for a profile picture to put up, a logo of sorts. Some ideas were passed around like having just Francis in some Power Rangers battlizer armour or just us all in some sharp suits ala Reservior Dogs but we are at a serious lack of suits and, oddly enough, fictional armour. Not to mention I can't help but feel an impeding sense of failure in this department considering nothing we could do could possibly come close to this promo picture by the band 3 Inches of Blood (who rock):
The dude in the baseball cap is my personal fav :)

So in short, send in any ideas... or snappy suits,

And then the man steps right up to the microphone

I'll be honest... I have nothing to say. I do feel obligated to blog, though. It has been a while and by that I mean three days. Nonetheless, my ludicrous rants continue...

I swear someone is out to get us. For the past week I've been checking the profile views and they have remained unchanged, when I know for a fact that we have been steadily getting more listeners. The culprits? Well, I will put my super-sleuthing skills to use to figure out. I should arrive at an answer shortly. I think the neocons in association with the Decepticons are at fault here. Why? Because they both end in -cons. Which brings me to Genghis Kahn...

There is a hefty amount of work I have to get to so I should get going. I leave the task of unfreezing our profile views to you, the viewers. Good luck and Godspeed.

Continue to fight for the cause,

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The rest... is silence

I don't know about all of you out there (yes all 24 of you) but I have had a total reawakening to old CG cartoons I used to watch back in the day. It all started when I caught an episode of Shadow Raiders last night on TV which was a show I had completely forgot about. How I went all this time without remembering that Russian space skeletor and his space crab-people drones I'll never know. Now of course after watching this I had to look it up on my old friend Wikipedia which led me to Reboot, but most importantly Beasties. Now this was a show I could never forget. I always remembered how fucking metal it was but something I had not remembered was just how deep it could be. To make my point here is a quote from that certified bad dude Dinobot discussing quantum physics and the very fabric of time:

"To be... or not to be. That is the question. These disks I hold... are they a record of what will be, or only of what may? For if the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments away from that confirmation - for I could not live if not the master of my fate, but, if indeed the future can be changed - if these disks record only one path of all the myriad ways the cosmos might conform - then their power is infinite, and yet, still limited, for they could be used but once - and then in that change be rendered fiction forever more. I could destroy them, but, no... t'would be a coward's answer. I will know the truth instead. Then - it will be either them, or me, that face oblivion..."-Dinobot

Bravo Dinobot, Bravo. Shakespeare can eat your ass cause I think we know who the real linguist here is.

Oh and as for the podcast wasn't it awesome (I feel like I owe Zach Miller royalties everytime I say that) people? I think the extended format might have taken its toll on me by the last half with my disgusting slurring of the word "Slavic" being urged out, but it was still a fun ride. An informational one too with much discussion on the obscure sub-genres of metal being went over. Hopefully we didn't manage to alienate our audience (that teh_pwnerer role player) so soon with all that. Francis would also like to promise to cut down on the Harry Potter spoilers too. We can't have Islamic extremists who haven't finished reading "The Half Blood Prince" be claiming any jihads on us afterall.

Now off to watch the episode of Beasties I downloaded where Dinobot dies,

We are the Sultans of Swing

What a day...

Let's talk business first. Today I got an email back from Evan Tate (a jazz musician) and he is allowing us to use his song, "Bernie's Doom" for our podcast. We thank him greatly. Check him out

Well, we did record episode 2 yesterday. I'm going through the same procedure, so chances are it will be ready for download later today, much later today.

Yeah, we're really starting to get used to this whole podcasting business. First two episodes were pretty casual, but you can see the progression of things. Our next episode, from the way things are turning out, will be intense. Only time will tell, though.

Hmmm, that was way too serious of a post... haha


EDIT: Whoops... Right after I typed this up, I went to check on the file and figures it is good to go. Awesome! Check it out ladies and gents. Keep in mind we recorded this one in Francis' living room...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down...

Well, I think that you all should know that as I write this, I am eating apricots out of a can. Mind you, they aren't nearly as good as canned peaches, but I can't find any of those. Yeah, canned apricots are actually pretty damn bad, most of them are disfigured and they leave a horrible after-taste, the rest have a texture I would rather avoid. Yet, I continue to eat...

The plan so far is to record episode 2 tomorrow. I guess if past experiences are any indication, the episode should be available the following day... should. For all I know, technical advisor Francis (title pending) could sabotage our work. My voice seems to be sore, I blame him entirely.

Hopefully we can come up with some topics to discuss; it should prove to be entertaining. We're actually trying to work on an intro tune, to avoid unnecessary legal trouble, looks like we need to come up with something original. Meh.

I have since put the can of apricots down. I will now try to find more food.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

When New Creatures Rape Your Myspace

I don't actually have a myspace but y'know it rhymes with face... wordplay is my addiction...

As for the actual podcast, was it as amazing as I said it was going to be or what? According to some guy named Tyler and a Teh_Pwnerer role player we nailed it. Now if we can just get those fellows who go around the interent posing as Power Rangers to give us their praises I can die a happy man. Not that I support death or anything, my mother raised me differently than that I'm proudly anti-dying myself. Afterall death is so emo.

Notice that we got the episode up without help from our technical adviser Francis too. We're thinking of giving him some new title to frivilously wear. That or make him actually do some work, perhaps an artist for a webcomic for us! We got him drawing goblins for his audition we'll keep you posted on the progress. Expect some detailed thoughts on my favourite webcomics out there in the near future to come out also. Just remember this for now: Mitch Clem is my hero...well him and The Green Ranger.


I ain’t no goddamn son of a bitch!

I have conquered the internet, it is now my bitch. The episode is uploaded. That's right, upload and explode ladies and gentlemen. I think I got a good handle of this whole process now, the knots have been untied and future episodes will definitely not face similar adversity.

A note about the episode, it is indeed shortened. It was originally intended to be twenty minutes long, but you know... Rest assured, new episodes will cover the full twenty minutes. We did try to keep the swearing down in this one (lol), it helps retain some credibility, but who needs that? Haha! We're working with a pretty bad mic right now, we'll try to upgrade ASAP. Enjoy the episode.

Stay Fresh,

Click here to go where eagles dare...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Let The Horror Start...

Haha! Success... well, not really.

Despite being held down by our joke of a technical advisor, I have managed to find a place that will host episode 1. The only drawback is that I have to wait 24hrs for the file to be "confirmed." Now what the fuck is that?! Oh well, now that I've kinda got this monkey off my back I can go to sleep. I say kinda because in reality this monkey is still holding on with one hand, grasping at its last chance for survival... Which I guess means that I still have yet to post the episode or toss it into that wild pool of podcasts.

Please excuse the ridiculousness of my post. I'm so sorry...

Out for now,

Mommy, can I go out and blog tonight!

Well hello there Blogosphere, hey that kinda rhymed (you know if you don't know how to pronounce sphere correctly...) Gene blogging in here. Man how many times have I said "blog" so far?

The answer is 4.

Sorry about no podcast so far guy(s) (who am I kidding our viewership must be even less than in the singular) but there are some technical problems and apparently our technical adviser, Francis, is against advising us. That and he isn't very technically adept. That's what we get for assigning staff based on racial stereotypes (he's teh aznz0rz). On the brightside our first 10 minute episode is recorded and is just waiting to be unleashed on all you mofos. I wouldn't quite call it episode 1 with its shortened length though so maybe something edgier like episode 00 or episode X, ala Goldberg, is in order. Nevertheless you can be assured that the episode will be rad.

Lovingly yours,
Gene Parmesan

wait wait... that doesn't sound very hardcore

Lovingly yours,

yeah thats it!