Friday, August 18, 2006

The heart of this podcast was forged by four winds!

Perhaps lyrics from the battle folk metal band Turisas don't mix that well with podcasting. Unless...

Alternate Title: Far away, where the podcasts never fade.

Hmmmm, this is quite the dilemma. The afternoon is still young; remnants of the morning chill still inhibit the greatest of my thoughts and ideas. Wow, that sentence was pretty bitchin', what kind of school do you have to go to in order to become a skald?

It has come to my attention that I'm wasting your time, well then; episode eight of The Gene and Mike Show is a wild one to say the least. The new recording environment gave way to unprecedented wackiness and anger (how often are those two put together?). A solid episode was produced nonetheless with new theme music for The Krieg Kountdown added in post-production and none for our head-to-head segment better known as, "Have Things Taken a Turn for The Fresca." If you've ever wanted a deep insight into the history of black metal, this is the episode for you!

I swear we'll never record at that guy's place again... Here's the episode, enjoy.

Cursing the morning chill,

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I guess what I'm trying to tell you guys in this post is that I like t-shirts

I don't think any of you realize just how close I was to naming this post 'Blog Fire Death' (after the Bathory song 'Blood Fire Death'). Luckily I gained my composure, stopped, and thought "man, Quorthon deserves much better wordplay than that". Now that I think about it though I bet 'Blog Fire Death' would make a pretty bitchn' t-shirt, especially if taken out of context. Of course the shirt in question would have to have some nice olde timesy font and some powerful visuals! L-like a flaming skull working his livejournal?

Speaking of conceptual designs for t-shirts: Francis has indeed been gone for far too long (that segue will make sense in a few sentences I swear!). This Post-Francis world has been brutal leaving us with very little to do while our head asian and former technical advisor is off surfing lava flows half way round the world. I glanced through some 'Windows Live Today' article on the daily haps in the Philippines I think I know what I'm talking about. Should he not return we are prepared however, we will just have to get t-shirts made with Francis' face on them saying something like "Through his spirit is our power". I forget if we mentioned this idea in an episode of the podcast before but basically I'm saying we'd be left with a couple boxes full of these shirts and Mike and I would be the only ones sporting them. We'd end up donating the extra shirts to Goodwill just to clear the boxes out. This would probably then lead to the streets being filled with the homeless advertising Francis' face all around town. This hypothetical situation actually sounds so enticing I just may have to make these shirts a reality with or without Francis coming home!

I was going to get into this new [adult swim] show Metalocalypse that I think has to be one of the greatest things ever but it's getting late and y'all can just read the comment I left here for now. It'll sure to be a topic of discussion if we ever get around to recording another episode soon too so don't worry. I advise everybody to find the first two episodes that are out right now if you haven't already and even listen to the interview with the co-creator Brendon Small you can find at the bottom of that Metalocalypse wiki page that really shows Small knows his stuff on the Scandinavian Metal scene. Heh, I'm amazed I got through this last paragraph without mentioning a t-shirt idea...although a Dethklok tee would rock.

Wishing I could change my pseudonym to Nathan Explosion,