Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tonight we give it 35%

I'm currently eating this mangled "cake" out of a big tupperware tub and at first bite thought it sucked but I now realize it only sucks as a cake. The word cake to me has different characteristics that I enjoy that are far from this meal. As a strawberry tart thing however, it isn't actually that bad, but I digress...

We here at The Gene and Mike Show (basically thats just Mike and I feat. Francis) have been currently thinking about some different ideas for a profile picture to put up, a logo of sorts. Some ideas were passed around like having just Francis in some Power Rangers battlizer armour or just us all in some sharp suits ala Reservior Dogs but we are at a serious lack of suits and, oddly enough, fictional armour. Not to mention I can't help but feel an impeding sense of failure in this department considering nothing we could do could possibly come close to this promo picture by the band 3 Inches of Blood (who rock):
The dude in the baseball cap is my personal fav :)

So in short, send in any ideas... or snappy suits,


Anonymous said...

Have my abortion Gene!

Astro Zombies said...

Now just one second there anonymous, abortion is no laughing matter! I have some reading material for you here from the Baptist Church Forums that should set you straight:

Beware the hippy threat and praise the lord :)


Astro Zombies said...

Oh and that was me Gene...no way to edit :(

Anonymous said...

snkj detect transact until specific kantcs novagali must quantifier survival intuition
lolikneri havaqatsu