Sunday, January 21, 2007

We have such sights to show you!

Alternate Hellraiser related blog title: We'll tear your blog apart...

So yeah, our unhealthy fascination with Clive Barker's Hellraiser has reared it's twisted head once again. Apparently there's work being done on a remake (zomg), look forward to it ladies and gentlemen, if this film stays true to the original, we'll all be in for a hell(raiser) of a ride.

I'll be honest, I can barely think and writing this seems... unnatural, words seem to have a hard time flowing. I can attribute this all to the fact that someone in the other room is drilling a hole (I can only assume) very, very loudly. Why? Well, I'm not sure, it's not even that late, but it's dark outside and that should be enough, damnit! Man, it's way worse than that though, I can FEEL the sound violently working its way into every damn crevice of my brain. But, I'm sure we all have our own problems, so I digress...

There's unrest in the internet, my friends. Case in point, this little gem right here: For whatever reason, IGN feels the need to represent itself as a leading authority in every possible facet of life. Man, I can't even wrap my head around this one. "Hey, let's watch a couple of specials on the history of metal, read some wikipedia articles and make a list on something we have no right touching (Franics' virginity?)." Someone issue a fucking restraining order between IGN and metal. If "When you think of death metal, you think of Sweden. When you think of Sweden's death metal scene, you must always start with Opeth. They are the Metallica of the genre..." is a legitimate, admissible sentence in your mind, you should be ruthlessly hung like the dictators before you as Dismember and At the Gates defecate upon your precious Opeth albums. Nuff said.

This thing is slowly turning into a novel (novella), so I'll try to wrap it up. Francis is working on the webcomic, for the first time in two weeks, and we're working on making notes for the new show (first one of the new year OMG). New artists on The Gene and Mike Show band wagon include Hordes of Yore and Mistur. Stick around, if you will, we have such sights to show you!

Did you catch that thing I did at the end there,


Anonymous said...

Pure satanic styles yo!!!
\mm/ <--too much metal for one hand :0

Anonymous said...

I too saw the IGN disgrace.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't IGN stand for Imagine Games Network?
If so, why try to countdown something that has no direct relation to gaming?
Shaking my head with disgust
Sean Chaud Van Dammme

Anonymous said...

Not too many votes eh?

Astro Zombies said...

just made the poll not too long ago, let's give it some time

The Dragon of M87 said...

Old school Swedish Death Metal begins with Grave and old (emphasis) Entombed.

Astro Zombies said...

Well, that's fine and dandy, but I didn't mention anywhere that the bands I listed were the roots of swedish death metal.

Hey, unless you came here to state a fact... cool?

lack of communication...

Anonymous said...

Was... was that a Ratt song there at the end?! lolz