Thursday, May 04, 2006

Coming in out of the rain to hear the jazz go down...

Well, I think that you all should know that as I write this, I am eating apricots out of a can. Mind you, they aren't nearly as good as canned peaches, but I can't find any of those. Yeah, canned apricots are actually pretty damn bad, most of them are disfigured and they leave a horrible after-taste, the rest have a texture I would rather avoid. Yet, I continue to eat...

The plan so far is to record episode 2 tomorrow. I guess if past experiences are any indication, the episode should be available the following day... should. For all I know, technical advisor Francis (title pending) could sabotage our work. My voice seems to be sore, I blame him entirely.

Hopefully we can come up with some topics to discuss; it should prove to be entertaining. We're actually trying to work on an intro tune, to avoid unnecessary legal trouble, looks like we need to come up with something original. Meh.

I have since put the can of apricots down. I will now try to find more food.



Anonymous said...

Sup boys ;O

Anonymous said...

upload episode 2, it happens to eb done, right Gene? so i hear francis has a talkign role, cant wait..
peace? nevah

Astro Zombies said...

Episode 2 will be uploaded when you learn to spell right Mark! Although yes it is recorded and Francis will blow you all away.


Anonymous said...

yea man sorry, had one too many energy drinks at Jason's today? and like, MY HANDS ARE SHAKIN!, MY HANDS ARE SHAKIN! and so yes i cant' sleep, or type properlly ;o

Anonymous said...

line dancing appreciation post! Starting now go!