Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mommy, can I go out and blog tonight!

Well hello there Blogosphere, hey that kinda rhymed (you know if you don't know how to pronounce sphere correctly...) Gene blogging in here. Man how many times have I said "blog" so far?

The answer is 4.

Sorry about no podcast so far guy(s) (who am I kidding our viewership must be even less than in the singular) but there are some technical problems and apparently our technical adviser, Francis, is against advising us. That and he isn't very technically adept. That's what we get for assigning staff based on racial stereotypes (he's teh aznz0rz). On the brightside our first 10 minute episode is recorded and is just waiting to be unleashed on all you mofos. I wouldn't quite call it episode 1 with its shortened length though so maybe something edgier like episode 00 or episode X, ala Goldberg, is in order. Nevertheless you can be assured that the episode will be rad.

Lovingly yours,
Gene Parmesan

wait wait... that doesn't sound very hardcore

Lovingly yours,

yeah thats it!

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