Saturday, May 06, 2006

The rest... is silence

I don't know about all of you out there (yes all 24 of you) but I have had a total reawakening to old CG cartoons I used to watch back in the day. It all started when I caught an episode of Shadow Raiders last night on TV which was a show I had completely forgot about. How I went all this time without remembering that Russian space skeletor and his space crab-people drones I'll never know. Now of course after watching this I had to look it up on my old friend Wikipedia which led me to Reboot, but most importantly Beasties. Now this was a show I could never forget. I always remembered how fucking metal it was but something I had not remembered was just how deep it could be. To make my point here is a quote from that certified bad dude Dinobot discussing quantum physics and the very fabric of time:

"To be... or not to be. That is the question. These disks I hold... are they a record of what will be, or only of what may? For if the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments away from that confirmation - for I could not live if not the master of my fate, but, if indeed the future can be changed - if these disks record only one path of all the myriad ways the cosmos might conform - then their power is infinite, and yet, still limited, for they could be used but once - and then in that change be rendered fiction forever more. I could destroy them, but, no... t'would be a coward's answer. I will know the truth instead. Then - it will be either them, or me, that face oblivion..."-Dinobot

Bravo Dinobot, Bravo. Shakespeare can eat your ass cause I think we know who the real linguist here is.

Oh and as for the podcast wasn't it awesome (I feel like I owe Zach Miller royalties everytime I say that) people? I think the extended format might have taken its toll on me by the last half with my disgusting slurring of the word "Slavic" being urged out, but it was still a fun ride. An informational one too with much discussion on the obscure sub-genres of metal being went over. Hopefully we didn't manage to alienate our audience (that teh_pwnerer role player) so soon with all that. Francis would also like to promise to cut down on the Harry Potter spoilers too. We can't have Islamic extremists who haven't finished reading "The Half Blood Prince" be claiming any jihads on us afterall.

Now off to watch the episode of Beasties I downloaded where Dinobot dies,


Anonymous said...
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Astro Zombies said...

Mark, you're offensive, I'm sooooo censoring you.


Anonymous said...

Aww thanks alot hah. When's EP 3 coming?