Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And then the man steps right up to the microphone

I'll be honest... I have nothing to say. I do feel obligated to blog, though. It has been a while and by that I mean three days. Nonetheless, my ludicrous rants continue...

I swear someone is out to get us. For the past week I've been checking the profile views and they have remained unchanged, when I know for a fact that we have been steadily getting more listeners. The culprits? Well, I will put my super-sleuthing skills to use to figure out. I should arrive at an answer shortly. I think the neocons in association with the Decepticons are at fault here. Why? Because they both end in -cons. Which brings me to Genghis Kahn...

There is a hefty amount of work I have to get to so I should get going. I leave the task of unfreezing our profile views to you, the viewers. Good luck and Godspeed.

Continue to fight for the cause,


Anonymous said...

whit di ye haf ganst cons?

Anonymous said...

d0nt 9n5r th1+

Astro Zombies said...

5p34k 3/\/6L15h 5t00p1d, R0FL

Anonymous said...

1337 l-l@><

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